8 Companion Plants You Should Never Grow With Tomatoes

Planting cabbage near tomatoes can stunt the growth of the tomato plant due to competition for nutrients, leading to poor fruit production and a wasted harvest.


Combining corn and tomatoes in the garden can attract similar pests and fungal infections, such as moth larvae, which can damage both crops and reduce yields.


Broccoli, being a heavy feeder like tomatoes, competes for the same nutrients in the soil, hindering the growth of both plants when planted together.


Fennel inhibits the growth of tomatoes and other garden vegetables, as it competes for nutrients and should ideally be grown separately to avoid interference.


While young dill plants may repel aphids and initially coexist with tomatoes, mature dill plants can damage tomato roots, hindering their growth and development.


Both tomatoes and potatoes belong to the nightshade family and compete for nutrients, making them poor companions in the garden and susceptible to the same diseases.


Like potatoes, eggplant belongs to the nightshade family and is susceptible to blight, which can spread rapidly and affect nearby tomatoes if planted together.


Planting tomatoes near walnut trees can negatively affect their growth due to chemicals released by the tree's roots, leading to stunted growth and susceptibility to diseases like walnut wilt.
