9 Quick Tips for Avoiding Distractions at Work

Respond to emails and messages at your convenience to promote uninterrupted focus and better decision-making. Provide detailed information, clear action items, deadlines.

Practice Asynchronous Communication

Schedule specific times to check emails, messages, and social media to minimize distractions and maximize productivity. Utilize tools like Gmail's Inbox Pause or Blocksite to manage access to digital distractions.

Batch Check Everything

Use signaling mechanisms like headphones to indicate when you're focused and should not be disturbed. Establish boundaries to minimize interruptions, especially in open-plan office environments.

Do Not Disturb

Take control of your calendar by limiting others' ability to book time without consent. Block meeting-free zones or utilize scheduling tools to manage meeting requests efficiently.

Avoid Calendar Tetris

Ensure every meeting concludes with clear action items, assigned responsibilities, and deadlines to prevent follow-up interruptions.

Close the Loop on Meetings

Limit unnecessary email chatter by emailing only relevant parties and taking ownership of communication.

Stop Using "Reply All"

Find quiet spaces outside the office for focused work, minimizing distractions from open-plan environments.

Use Third Spaces

Reduce distractions by disabling push notifications on devices, preventing immediate responses to non-urgent alerts.

Turn off Push Notifications

Activate airplane mode or "Do Not Disturb" settings to limit interruptions from calls and messages during focused work periods.

Use Airplane Mode